The Effect of Coaching Leadership on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Mediation Effect of Organizational Trust and Moderated Mediation Effect of Psychological Safety

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Jaehong Yoo
Jinkook Tak


The purpose of this study is to reveal the effect of coaching leadership on organizational trust and organizational citizenship behavior depending on the level of psychological safety. Specifically, the relationship between coaching leadership and organizational citizenship behavior was examined and the mediating effect of organizational trust was identified in the effect of coaching leadership on organizational citizenship behavior. In addition, this study examined a moderating effect of psychological safety on the relationship between organizational trust and organizational citizenship behavior Finally, the relationship between coaching leadership and organizational citizenship behavior is verified by the moderated mediating effect of psychological safety in the mediation of organizational trust. For this purpose, data from 300 Korean workers were collected through an online questionnaire survey, and analyzed the materials using SPSS 25.0 and Macro. As a result of the research, the relationship between coaching leadership and organizational citizenship behavior has been proven to have a partial mediating effect significantly by organizational trust. The moderating effect of the psychological safety and the moderated mediating effect were also both significant. Finally, we discussed implications, limitations, and future research.


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How to Cite
Yoo, J., & Tak, J. (2022). The Effect of Coaching Leadership on Organizational Citizenship Behavior:: Mediation Effect of Organizational Trust and Moderated Mediation Effect of Psychological Safety. Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 35(3), 649–673.
Empirical Articles


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