The influence of shared awareness of the need for change, clarity of vision, and empowerment on effective change The mediating role of collective emotions
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Organizational change does not cease at one point. Rather it is continuously going on so that the emotion which employees experience during the changing process should be treated as an important factor since it influences their consequential emotion, cognition, and behavior. This study focused on the collective characteristics of emotion. Data were collected from the employees of 47 government organizations for the contextual factors and for the positive and negative emotions at the time of one year passed from the start of intervention. The innovation performances of the organizations were measured by outside experts when the intervention was over. As a result, except just one relationship, we found that the collective positive and negative emotions partially mediate the relationships between the shared awareness of the need for change, the clarity of organizational vision, and employee empowerment and the innovation performance. It showed that the change agents should keep in mind that they have to take care of the emotional responses of employees which innovation brings in. Lastly the limitations of this study and several suggestions for the future study were discussed.
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