Validation of the Shared Leadership Scale for Teams

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Yeongkyeong Ju
MyoungSo Kim


The purpose of this study is to validate the Shared Leadership Scale((28 questions of four factors) recently developed for Korean employees. Specifically, we examined (1) factor structure of the scale (2) convergent and discriminant validity with similar concepts, and (3) the relationship with both predictors and criterion variables based on nomological network at the individual as well as team level. 417 people employed in various organizations and occupations participated in online survey. We conducted team-level analysis on 278 people of 50 teams currently working as teams(4~15 team size) for multilevel validation. The results are as follows. First, the four-factor structure of shared leadership was verified through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. With 24 items excluding the 4 items with a slightly low factor loading(one for each factor), the four-factor structural model was found to be the most suitable compared to other models. Second, the results of correlation analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis confirmed the convergent and discriminant validity between shared leadership and similar concepts(team empowerment, team adaptation performance). Finally, we developed the nomological network including the predictors and criteria of shared leadership. Transformational leadership, organizational delegation, and task interdependence were the significant predictors of shared leadership at both the individual and team level. Shared leadership also had a significant relationship with the criteria of various team effectiveness such as team efficacy, team innovation behavior, team performance, and team satisfaction at the individual and team level. The implications, limitations, and future research directions of the team-based shared leadership scale validation research were discussed based on the above finding.


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How to Cite
Ju, Y., & Kim, M. (2023). Validation of the Shared Leadership Scale for Teams. Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 36(4), 439–470. Retrieved from
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