The effect of subordinate’s emotional labor on job burnout and job engagement The moderating effect of perceived organizational support
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The purpose of this study was to (1) examine the effect of subordinate’s emotional labor(surface acting, deep acting) on job burnout(emotional exhaustion, cynicism, inefficacy) and job engagement(vigor, dedication, absorption), and (2) verify whether perceived organizational support moderates the relationships between emotional labor and job related attitudes. A total of 547 employees working at various companies in Korea participated in an on-line survey, 495 data were used for statistical analysis after the elimination of inadequate sample. The results showed that surface acting positively affected job burnout while negatively affecting the job engagement. It was found that deep acting positively affected job engagement, but it had no significant effect on job burnout. The results also demonstrated that perceived organizational support moderated the relationships between surface acting and job burnout as well as relationships between deep acting and job engagement. On the basis of the results, the implications and future research directions were discussed.
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