The Effect of Intergenerational Harmony on Voice Behavior: Mediation Effects of Psychological Safety and Perspective taking tested by multigroup analysis

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TaeYoung Han
Dowhan Choi


This study was to investigate the mediating effects of psychological safety and perspective taking in the process of intergenerational harmony influencing constructive and supportive voice behavior. In addition, in this process, group differences in terms of generational identity were examined. For the study, data were collected from 311 workers in domestic organizations, and the research model was tested using the structural equation modeling. The result showed that the perception of intergenerational harmony had a positive effect on constructive speech behavior through psychological safety and acceptance of perspective, and it was appropriate to view it as a complete mediation. In the process of intergenerational harmony affecting supportive speech behavior, the mediating effect of perspective taking was significant, while that of psychological safety was not significant. In addition to these results, the group difference in terms of generational identity was found in the mediating process of psychological safety on supportive speech behavior. In the group classified as the new generation, the mediating effect of psychological safety was significant, while the older generation was not. Based on the research results, the academic significance and practical implications of this study were discussed, and limitations and future research tasks were presented.


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How to Cite
Han, T., & Choi, D. (2022). The Effect of Intergenerational Harmony on Voice Behavior: Mediation Effects of Psychological Safety and Perspective taking tested by multigroup analysis. Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 35(4), 701–725.
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