The Effect of Social Presence on Virtual Work Adaptability and Mediating Effects of New employees’ Learning Flow & the Mediated Moderating Effect of Supervisor Coaching

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Ju Eun Lee
TaeYoung Han


This study attempted to clarify the effect of various factors related to online new employee learnings on the virtual work adaptability based on various problems felt by new employees in the online learning situation spread due to COVID-19. In addition, it was intended to verify the impact of supervisors who play an important role in effectiveness of virtual work. Specifically, the effect of social presence on virtual work adaptability by mediating learning flow and the mediated moderating effect of supervisor’s coaching behavior were verified. To clarify the research model, data were collected from 263 new employees with online learning and virtual work experience within 3 years working in various organizations in Korea, and data were analyzed by using SPSS PROCESS Macro As a result of the study, it was found that social presence influenced virtual work adaptability by mediating learning flow, but unlike the assumptions of this study, learning flow partially mediated. In addition, the moderating effect of the supervisor’s coaching behavior was not significant. Based on the research results, the implications of this study were discussed, and limitations and future research were presented.


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How to Cite
Lee, J. E., & Han 태. (2022). The Effect of Social Presence on Virtual Work Adaptability and Mediating Effects of New employees’ Learning Flow & the Mediated Moderating Effect of Supervisor Coaching. Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 35(4), 867–887.
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