Verifying the effectiveness of career group coaching for the promotion of individual resources related to job searching Focusing on career interrupted female with highly educated in science and engineering
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In this study, we developed a career group coaching program for career interrupted female with highly educated in science and engineering and verified the effect. In order to refine the program direction, Inquiry surveys were conducted through literature surveys, in-depth interviews, and surveys. Before applying the program, we applied the preliminary research program to 6 women who had cut off science and engineering career and tested the effect. The program was revised and supplemented with the questionnaire results and opinions of experts. In order to verify the effectiveness of the program, 45 students who autonomously participated in the dismissal career of science and engineering major were assigned to 15 experimental groups, 15 comparative groups and 15 control groups by radio allocation. At this time, the experimental group performed the program developed in this study, the comparative group performed the WIN program, and the control group was not treated. Experimental group and comparative group were conducted at 8 sessions for 120 minutes once a week. Job-seeking efficacy, career adaptability, social support, growth mindset, and stress coping were measured before, after and after 3 months. Data analysis was conducted to confirm the homogeneity of the three groups through SPSS 21.0, and then to verify the interaction effect between the point of view, experiment, comparison and control group before, after and after. As a result, it was confirmed that career group coaching positively influenced job performance self-efficacy, career adaptability, growth mindset, stress coping ability, statistically significant difference and average score increase. Also, it was confirmed that the coaching effectiveness was maintained. Based on the results of this study, implications and limitations of this study and future research were discussed.
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