The effects of growth orientation and job crafting on creative behavior Moderated mediating effect of development culture perceived by individuals
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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among growth orientation, job crafting, and creative behavior. Specifically, this study examined the mediating effect of job crafting on the relationship between growth orientation and creative behavior. Also, this study was intended to examine the moderating effect of development culture on the relationship between growth orientation and job crafting. Also, the moderated mediation effect of developmental culture examined growth orientation and creative behavior. Data collected from 294 employees who were working in various companies via an online survey. The results showed that growth orientation was positively related to job crafting and creative behavior. Furthermore, job crafting partially mediated the relationship between growth orientation and creative behavior. Also, when the development culture of the organization was influential, the relation of growth orientation to job crafting was stronger, confirming the moderating effect of development culture. Moreover, the moderated mediation effect of developmental culture found. Based on the results of this study, implications, limitations, and future research discussed.
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