The relationship between task conflict, relationship conflict, team efficacy and task performance of Air Force Combat Flight Team The moderating effect of participative decision-making
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The purpose of the present study was to investigate integrally the relationships among task conflict, relationship conflict, team efficacy, and task performance of the Air Force Combat Flight Team. Also, the study illustrated whether participative decision-making moderated the relationship between task conflict and team efficacy, and the relationship between relationship conflict and team efficacy. Surveys and supervisor-rating performance data of 284 combat flight teams of two Air Force fighter pilots were collected for assessing the aforementioned relationships. Analyzing through structural equation modeling, the results indicated that task conflict was negatively related to team efficacy and task performance. Relationship conflict was negatively related to team efficacy whereas they were positively related with task performance. Moreover, team efficacy mediated the relationship between task conflict and task performance, and the relationship between relationship conflict and task performance. Furthermore, participative decision-making moderated the relationships of task conflict and relationship conflict with team efficacy such that these negative relationships were stronger when wingman pilot’s perception toward leader pilot’s participative decision-making was low. We discuss the implications of these results, study limitations, and practical suggestions for future research.
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