The effects of organizational based self esteem and task specific self esteem on employee commitment Comparing target similarity model with spill-over model
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The purpose of this study was to examine the mediating role of two self-esteem (organization-based self-esteem: OBSE; task-specific self-esteem: TSSE) in predicting two types of employee commitment (job involvement, organizational commitment) based on the framework of Lavelle, McMahan and Harris(2009)’s target similarity model. A sample of 746 south korean employees were participated in this study and data were analyzed by MPLUS 6.12. The main results are as follows. First, the indirect effects reflecting target similarity effect were supported, but another indirect effects which reflect spillover effect between two dimensions was not. Second, the result of comparison between target similarity effect and spillover effect, which has same predictor and criterion but different mediator in each dimensions, was significant in organization domain, but not in job domain. Finally, the implications and limitations were discussed.
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