The influence of Person-Job Fit on burnout and work engagement The moderating effect of LMX
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This study was conducted to identify the effects of P-J Fit on burnout and work engagement in a sample of 382 employees from major company. The present study attempted to find out the influences of LMX to burnout and engagement and verify the moderating effects of LMX on the influences. The results showed that P-J Fit reduced level of burnout and elevated level of work engagement and the influences were statistically significant. It means that positive influence of P-J Fit which verified in many previous researches was also founded in burnout and engagement. Next, we found that these positive effects of P-J Fit were moderated by LMX. In other words, LMX were enhancing the positive effect of P-J Fit to engagement and negative effect to burnout. It implies that people who have good relation to their superiors feel less burnout due to P-J Unfit and feel more engagement due to P-J Fit. So, the relations between people in company are as important as job characteristics for human resource management. Finally, Implications and limitations of this study are discussed.
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