Resilience as a mediator linking transformational leadership and person-centered organizational culture to organizational effectiveness
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The present research examined the possibility that transformational leadership and person-centered organizational culture are antecedents of employees' resilience and employees' resilience plays as a mediator linking transformational leadership and person-centered organizational culture to their happiness and organizational effectiveness. Specifically, we suggest that transformational leadership and person-centered organizational culture serve as environmental factors to enhance employees' resilience, which eventually contributes to organizational effectiveness such as job motivation, organizational commitment, and organizational citizenship behaviors via the path between resilience and happiness. Data were collected from 498 employees in various companies. The results found that resilience was positively related with job motivation, organizational commitment, and organizational citizenship behaviors, and these relationships were mediated by happiness. Furthermore, it was found that both transformational leadership and person-centered organizational culture were positively correlated with resilience, and had significant indirect effects on organizational effectiveness variables via the path between resilience and happiness, while only transformational leadership had direct effects on organizational effectiveness variables. These findings indicate that resilience is important for the beneficial effects of happiness on organizational effectiveness, and transformational leadership and person-centered organizational culture may increase organizational effectiveness by promoting employees' resilience. Finally, theoretical and practical implications, limitation and suggestion for future research are discussed.
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