Development and validation of the Global Competency Scale(GCS)

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Sangchoong Roh
Hongsik Jung
Youngwon Suh


As the world economy is becoming globalized, more domestic businesses are branching to overseas. Thereupon the number of expatriate workers who are getting assigned to overseas are increasing, and needs for systematic selection and training system for overseas expatriate workers are in dire needs. Nevertheless researches in this area are not enough and still inadequate level domestically. Therefore we developed the Global Competency Scale (GCS) with the purpose of the local businesses to use it to predict the possibility of successful overseas job performance and to select and train the right overseas expatriate workers. To develop the scale we conducted researches on documentations and interviews with former overseas expatriate workers and expatriate program managers in human resource department(HRD). Based on these results we developed 14 initial factors with 138 items. Using theses items we conducted both on & offline survey to people who work at global and multinational companies in Korea. With the 381 people's survey results, we implemented the cross validity. After cross validating we generated final 6 factors with 24 items. The GCS score we developed in this research shows that the degree of their goal achievement during past overseas experience and level of their satisfaction was significantly high in those criterion variables proving the criterion-related validity. Especially the GCS we developed in this research shows that after controlling the effect of English skills, still appear to have significant effect on criterion variables. Finally based on research results we discussed academical and operational implication and limitations for the further researches.


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How to Cite
Roh, S., Jung, H., & Suh, Y. (2012). Development and validation of the Global Competency Scale(GCS). Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 25(4), 801–831.
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