Expansion of Job Embeddedness Scale Validation Research of Family Embeddedness

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JongHyun Lee
YoungKook Moon


This research is to validate family embeddedness scale, which measures why people leave and stay in the organization. Items were selected from Ramesh and Gelfand (2010) through translation and back-translation process. In study 1, we administered surveys to collect responses about family embeddedness and related variables on 300 Korean employees. The result from exploratory factor analysis demonstrated that there are three factors including (1) family fit (4 items), (2) family links (2 items), and (3) family sacrifice (3 items). Convergent and discriminant validity were examined by correlation analysis among family embeddedness and related variables. In study 2, we administered and collected two separate surveys which contained family embeddedness and variables related to turnover on 329 Korean employees at two points in time, approximately 6 month apart. The result from confirmatory factor analysis reexamined the factor structure of family embeddedness in study 1, and criterion validity of family embeddedness was tested by logistic regression. Results of this study found that family embeddedness predicted voluntary turnover in South Korean employees beyond job embeddedness and other traditional turnover and retention predictors.


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How to Cite
Lee, J., & Moon, Y. (2022). Expansion of Job Embeddedness: Scale Validation Research of Family Embeddedness. Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 34(4), 723–750. https://doi.org/10.24230/kjiop.v34i4.723-750 (Original work published December 7, 2021)
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