Exploratory factor analysis on situational judgment data after controling for scenario effect
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We demonstrated how to perform exploratory factor analysis on situational judgment data of creative personality. Situational judgment test(SJT) has a long history of 80 years and has settled down in industrial/organizational settings for the last 20 years. However, we have not overcome the problem of estimating construct because item scores in SJT contain method effect generated by the scenarios as well as response scores to the substantive questions. We applied Asparouhov and Muthen’s(2009) logic of explorary structural equation modeling(ESEM) to open an approach to estimating common factor structures after controling for the method effect generated by scenarios. Using ESEM, it is possible to specify measurement error correlations in the frame of structural equation modeling and to use exploratory approach to factor analysis on the remaining part of data. As a result we could estimate a four-factor structure on data of 40 items with eight scenarios measuring creative personality of college students.
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