Analysis of the factor structure of Core Self-Evaluations through exploratory structural equation modeling 탐색적 구조방정식 모형(ESEM)의 적용을 통한 선언척도와 실제척도의 차이 검토

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Jongkuy Kim
Soonmook Lee
ChangYoung Youn


This study was conducted to investigate the factor structure of Core Self-Evaluations(CSE) by means of exploratory structural equation modeling(ESEM) models. ESEM is a technique that has been proposed for the analysis of internal structure that overcomes some of the limitations of EFA and CFA. The results show that factor structures of CSE consist of one factor. Typically, the one- or two- factor structure is supported by previous studies. The reason for discrepancies is as follows. First, the 12 Core Self-Evaluations Scale(CSES) items have the potential to be an indicator of other similar constructs because the items cut across the four core traits such that some items may reflect a combination of two or more of the core traits. Second, the relationship between the various traits that may be the concept of CSE have not been fully investigated. Therefore, CSE construct should be clarified in the logical structure of the CSE theory and the development of the scale with the more sophisticated internal structure are required.


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How to Cite
Kim , J., Lee, S., & Youn, C. (2015). Analysis of the factor structure of Core Self-Evaluations through exploratory structural equation modeling: 탐색적 구조방정식 모형(ESEM)의 적용을 통한 선언척도와 실제척도의 차이 검토. Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 28(3), 355–384.
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