A Validation Study of the Multidimensional Quiet Quitting Scale (MQQS)

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Kwang Tae Kim
Hyewon Lee
Young Woo Sohn


As a result of the pandemic, the concept of “Quiet Quitting” where employees perform assigned tasks without asking for promotions or additional effort, has gained widespread attention. Quiet Quitting refers to an attitude in which a worker adheres to his or her assigned tasks in an organization, but does not put in extra work and does not seek promotions or good evaluations. Despite recent social and academic interest in quiet quitting, a lack of research on the psychological construct remains. The purpose of this study is to adapt and validate the Multidimensional Quiet Quitting Scale (MQQS) by Patel et al.(2023) which organizes quiet quitting into two dimensions: behavioral and emotional, in Korean. To this purpose, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted by conducting two surveys (N1 = 220, N2 = 400), and it was confirmed that the MQQS has a two-factor structure. Furthermore, the convergent validity of the scale was verified by analyzing its relation to psychological concepts such as organizational citizenship behavior and voice behavior, and hierarchical regression and dominance analysis were conducted to verify incremental validity. The results confirmed that the MQQS would have significant incremental explanatory power and unique variance for organizational citizenship behavior and turnover intention after controlling for continuance commitment, psychological contract breach, and feeling of violation. Through this process, the reliability and validity of the MQQS were verified, and the significance, limitations, and future research directions of the study were discussed.


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How to Cite
Kim 광., Lee 혜., & Sohn, Y. W. (2023). A Validation Study of the Multidimensional Quiet Quitting Scale (MQQS). Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 36(4), 557–583. Retrieved from https://journal.ksiop.or.kr/index.php/KJIOP/article/view/585
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