The effects of perceived overqualification and relative deprivation on knowledge hiding motivation: Moderated mediation of work meaningfulness
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This study confirmed the mediating effect of relative deprivation in the effect of perceived overqualification on knowledge hiding motivation, and confirmed the moderated mediating effect of work meaningfulness. To verify the hypothesis, an online survey was conducted on 408 office workers working at various domestic companies. As a result of analyzing the survey responses, the mediating effect of relative deprivation was significant in the effect of perceived overqualification on knowledge hiding motivation. The work meaningfulness was found to have a significant mediating effect by moderated mediating effect of relative deprivation in the relationship between perceived overqualification and knowledge. This study confirmed that perceived overqualification increases knowledge hiding motivation through relative deprivation. We also found that work meaningfulness moderates the process by which perceived overqualification increases knowledge hiding motivation through relative deprivation. Specifically, we found that higher levels of work meaningfulness reinforced the effect of perceived overqualification on knowledge hiding motivation through relative deprivation. Based on the results of this study, we discuss the significance, implications, and limitations of this study.
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