The Effects of Spiritual Leadership on Job Crafting through Perceived Value of Work: The Moderating Effects of Self-Efficacy

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Ji Young Song
Young Won Suh


This study was conducted to investigate the antecedent of job crafting and to identify the psychological mechanism of job crafting. Spiritual leadership was presented as the predictor of job crafting, and perceived value of work was presented as the mediator explaining the relationship between spiritual leadership and job crafting. Additionally, this study also tried to verify the moderating effects and the moderated mediating effects of self-efficacy. The survey responses of 357 employees in Korea were collected, and the hypotheses were tested using PROCESS Macro 3.4. The main results are as follows. First, the relationship between spiritual leadership and perceived value of work, and the relationship between perceived value of work and job crafting were positive. Second, the mediating effects of perceived value of work were significant in the relationship between spiritual leadership and job crafting. Third, the moderating effects of self-efficacy were significant in the relationship between perceived value of work and job crafting, and the moderated mediating effects were also significant. In summary, the effects of spiritual leadership on job crafting were fully mediated by perceived value of work. Furthermore, this study confirmed that three needs, which have been suggested as the main motivation for job crafting, have the significant effects on job crafting. Based on these findings, the implications and limitations of this study and the directions for further research were discussed.


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How to Cite
Song 지., & Suh 용. (2023). The Effects of Spiritual Leadership on Job Crafting through Perceived Value of Work: The Moderating Effects of Self-Efficacy. Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 36(3), 321–347. Retrieved from
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