The Asynchronous Video Interview-Artificial Intelligence: A review of current studies and directions for future research

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Hyejin Moon
Sanghee Nam


Organizations are increasingly adopting video job interview in the era of COVID-19 pandemic. Especially, with screening purposes, the asynchronous video interview powered by artificial intelligence(AVI-AI) is often placed as an additional stage in selection processes. For cost and efficiency reasons, many organizations showed great interest in adopting and expanding the use of AVI-AI. Although research on AVI-AI is steadily increasing, only a few have been published in the field of industrial and organizational psychology. The current research aimed to conceptualize AVI-AI based on the review of current usage and empirical research findings on AVI-AI. Finally, this study discussed the implications for future research on AVI-AI and provided important recommendations for HR managers.


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How to Cite
Moon, H., & Nam, S. (2022). The Asynchronous Video Interview-Artificial Intelligence:: A review of current studies and directions for future research. Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 35(3), 385–413.
Empirical Articles

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