The impact of artificial intelligence in the recruiting process on organizational attractiveness: When and why AI recruiting leads organizational attractiveness

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Yeseul Jung
Jiyoung Park


Organizations are increasingly integrating artificial intelligence (AI) technology into their recruitment process. However, there is still a lack of understanding regarding how AI technology affects job applicants. Based on signal theory, we expected that the incorporation of AI technology in the recruitment process would convey a specific signal to job applicants, which would affect their organizational attractiveness. Specifically, we expect that the application of AI technology would influence the attractiveness of the organization based on the perceived innovativeness and procedural fairness of the organization. Additionally, we hypothesized that job applicant’s personal innovativeness would facilitate the effect of AI technology on organizational attractiveness. The results using two scenario studies showed that as the level of AI technology increased in the recruitment process, the perceived innovativeness of the organization increased, leading to an increase in organizational attractiveness. On the other hand, perceived procedural justice did not mediate the relationship between the AI technology application in the recruitment process and organizational attractiveness. When individuals had a high level of personal innovativeness, the impact of AI technology on organizational attractiveness was positive, but the effect was negative among those with low personal innovativeness. Our results suggest that the impact of AI applications depends on how job applicants interpret and perceive the incorporation of AI technology rather than AI technology application itself. Based on these results, we discussed implications, limitations, and recommendations for future research.


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How to Cite
Jung 예., & Park 지. (2023). The impact of artificial intelligence in the recruiting process on organizational attractiveness: When and why AI recruiting leads organizational attractiveness. Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 36(4), 611–642. Retrieved from
Empirical Articles


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