The Effects of D-A Fit among Young Generation Newcomers: Organizational Culture Regarding Work-Life Balance as the Moderator

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Taeyeon Kim
HyungIn Park


This study investigated the effects of demands-abilities (D-A) fit on task performance and turnover intention among young generation newcomers. We measured D-A fit in the workload and job complexity dimensions using the atomistic approach. Furthermore, we examined whether the accessibility to work-life balance (WLB) programs would buffer the relationships between D-A misfit and the criteria. Data collected from 343 Korean newcomers aged 35 or under were analyzed using polynomial regressions and response surface graphs to examine the three-dimensional relationships. Results showed that task performance decreased in general as demands surpassed abilities, although it slightly increased when demands surpassed abilities to a great extent. As we expected, turnover intention increased as demands exceeded abilities. In addition, linear relationships were observed in both criteria along the congruence line in the job complexity dimension as hypothesized. In the workload dimension, task performance decreased along the congruence line, but the decrease rate changed showing two different slopes. Additionally, turnover intention showed a U-shaped relationship. Although the accessibility to WLB programs moderated the effects of D-A misfit on both outcomes, the buffering effects that we expected were observed only on turnover intention. Our results suggest that D-A fit and organizational culture regarding WLB may play important roles in the adjustment of young generation newcomers. Based on these findings, we discussed academic and practical implications and suggested future research directions.


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How to Cite
Kim 태., & Park 형. (2023). The Effects of D-A Fit among Young Generation Newcomers: Organizational Culture Regarding Work-Life Balance as the Moderator. Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 36(3), 287–320. Retrieved from
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