The Contradictory Effect of Decision Authority: The Relationship between Work-Family Conflict and Job Burnout
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Based on the intrinsic nature of job control (Spector, 1998), this study attempted to investigate the contradictory function of decision authority by showing the reverse buffering effect of decision authority in the relationship between work-family conflict and job burnout. In addition, built upon the matching hypothesis (Amstad et al., 2011), we examined whether the main and the interactional effects of decision authority would vary depending on the direction of work-family conflict in explaining burnout. Participants were 470 full-time employees in South Korea who were working in public sectors or private companies. The results showed that decision authority exacerbated the relationship between work-family conflict and burnout. Also, the relationship with burnout and the moderating effect of decision authority were stronger when work interfered with family than when family interfered with work. Based on these results, implications and limitations of this study were discussed, and plans for future research were suggested.
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