Influence of Equity Sensitivity on Organizational Citizenship Behaviors and Knowledge Sharing: Mediating Effect of Work Spirituality

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SeungRib Park
Ji Young Song
Young Won Suh


This study was conducted to investigate the mediating effect of workplace spirituality in the relationship between equity sensitivity, OCB, and knowledge sharing. Data used for the analysis were obtained from 385 employees in domestic companies. The results showed that equity sensitivity and workplace spirituality had a positive relationship. Benevolents were higher on workplace spirituality than entitleds. Besides, workplace spirituality was positively correlated with both OCB and knowledge sharing. Finally, the relationships between equity sensitivity and both OCB and knowledge sharing were fully mediated by workplace spirituality. Based on the results, the implications, the limitations of the study, and the future research direction were discussed.


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How to Cite
Park, S., Song, J. Y., & Suh, Y. W. (2022). Influence of Equity Sensitivity on Organizational Citizenship Behaviors and Knowledge Sharing: Mediating Effect of Work Spirituality. Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 35(4), 747–769.
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