The effect of perceived corporate philanthropy on organizational citizenship behavior Mediating effect of organizational commitment and moderating effect of service values

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KyunHwan Roh
TaeYong Yoo


The purposes of this study were to examine the effect of perceived corporate philanthropy on organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior, the mediating effect of organizational commitment in the relationship between perceived corporate philanthropy and organizational citizenship behavior, and the moderating effect of service values in the relationship between perceived corporate philanthropy and organizational commitment. Data were gathered from 250 employees who were working in various organizations in Korea. To reduce the effect from the common method bias, the organizational citizenship behavior was rated by others(two hundred and fifty peers, subordinates, and supervisors). As a result, organizational commitment partially mediated the relationships between perceived corporate philanthropy and organizational citizenship behavior. Service values moderated the relationship between perceived corporate philanthropy and organizational commitment because the relationship was more positive when service values was high than low. Finally, implication of results and future research tasks were discussed with limitations.


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How to Cite
Roh , K., & Yoo, T. (2013). The effect of perceived corporate philanthropy on organizational citizenship behavior: Mediating effect of organizational commitment and moderating effect of service values. Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 26(2), 195–218.
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