Effects of Honesty Test using Situational Judgment Test Format on Task Performance and counterproductive work behavior Mediating effect of moral disengagement process

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EunA Kwon
JongGoo Lee


The purposes of this research were 1) to identify criterion-related validity of the developed Honesty test using situation judgment test format and 2) to test mediating role of moral disengagement process including self-sanction. For these purpose, the situational judgment test measuring sub-constructs (i.e., sincerity, fairness, greed avoidance and modesty) of honesty-humility factor in HEXACO model(Lee & Ashton, 2004) was developed. eria(i.e., counterproductive work behavior, task performance and contextual performance). Total 365 employees(male, N=170, 46.58%; female, N=195, 53.42%) were used in the study. The Honesty test developed in the study included 24 items(i.e., 6 items for each 4 sub-constructs). The criterion-related validity analyses results showed that the Honesty test using situational judgment test format had significant correlations with counterproductive work behavior(r = -.49) and task performance(r = .39). The results of structural equation model revealed that the effects of honesty on counterproductive work behavior was mediated by moral disengagement process and the direct effect of honesty on counterproductive work behavior was also significant. Overall goodness of fit indexes of this model were favorable except for the chi-square value(χ2(32) = 50.44, p = .0202, CFI = .990, TLI = .986, RMSEA = .040). Limitations of the study and directions for future study were discussed.


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How to Cite
Kwon, E., & Lee, J. (2021). Effects of Honesty Test using Situational Judgment Test Format on Task Performance and counterproductive work behavior: Mediating effect of moral disengagement process. Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 34(3), 541–561. https://doi.org/10.24230/kjiop.v34i3.541-561
Empirical Articles
Author Biography

EunA Kwon, Daegu University

Department of Psychology Graduate School


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