The relationships between person-environment fit and job-related variables Meta-analysis
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The purpose of this study is to meta-analyze the relationship between person-environment fit(person- organization fit and person-job fit) and job-related variables(organizational commitment, job satisfaction and turnover intention), and to investigate whether the relationship is moderated by organizational typology(public organization and private organization). A total of 15,589 employees from 51 samples were included and meta-analyzed using Hunter and Schmidt(2004)’s procedure. Based on Hunter and Schmidt(2004)’s procedure, we corrected sampling errors as well as measurement errors of individual studies to estimate true mean correlations between person-environment fit and job-related variables. The results suggest that there are positive correlations between person-environment fit and organizational commitment, job satisfaction, but negative correlations between person-environment fit and turnover intention. In addition, the subgroups analysis results indicate that the correlations between person-environment fit and job-related variables tend to be stronger for private organization. We discussed this results as compared to existing research studies using foreign samples and suggested implications, direction for future research and limitations.
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