Exploring Creativity Paradox with Perception of Creative Characteristics

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Hui Young Suh
Jae Yoon Chang


This study aims to shed light on Creativity Paradox which is a phenomenon that creative people are not appreciated where creativity is emphasized, and to explore individual differences that affect the phenomenon. As per the previous research (Kettler et al., 2018) that even teachers who say they value creativity as educational goals actually find creative characteristics undesirable through the replication from school (Study 1) and expansion to organization (Study 2). In Study 1, 172 schoolteachers in Korea completed 2 waves of survey for the importance of educational goals including creativity and personal creativity with the desirability on characteristics for both creative indicative and contraindicative. In study 2, 331 fulltime employees completed 2 waves of survey including creative mindsets. Result indicated that both teachers and employees in this study rated characteristics associated with creativity as less desirable than those characteristics that are considered contraindicative, which confirms the Creativity Paradox. No effects were found based on the individual differences, but the level of personal creativity related to how desirable they rate others’ characteristics associated with creativity. As a result of hierarchical regression analysis, the moderating effect of creative growth mindset was partially presented in the relationship between the personal creativity and the members’ perception of creative characteristics, while no effect of fixed-creative mindset was presented. This study was intended to highlight the need of examining the implicit theory of, attitude toward, and changes of norms and climate related to creativity in the organizational context The implications, limits and future research suggestions were discussed.


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How to Cite
Suh 희., & Chang 재. (2023). Exploring Creativity Paradox with Perception of Creative Characteristics. Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 36(4), 403–437. Retrieved from https://journal.ksiop.or.kr/index.php/KJIOP/article/view/579
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