Predicting model for bystanders’ voice intention in workplace bullying: Applying Theory of Planned Behavior

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Ji Won Sohn
SangHee Nam
Jae Yoon Chang


The purpose of this study is to examine the predicting effect of TPB(Theory of Planned Behavior) variables on bystanders’ voice intention for workplace bullying including anticipated self-conscious emotion(guilt and pride). Data were collected from its 300 employees working at organizations located in Korea. We measure attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, anticipated guilt, and pride after 1-week bystanders ‘voice intention was measured for the same employees. The regression analysis results suggested that attitude, perceived behavioral control, and anticipated guilt are positively related to voice intention. Additionally, the gender difference was significant in the perceived behavioral control toward bystanders’ voice intention and in the correlation difference test. The gender difference was also found in the regression analysis results on the voice intentions. Especially, attitude in male group and perceived behavioral control and anticipated guilt in female group significantly predict voice intention. Finally, this study discusses theoretical as well as operational implications, limitations, and future research directions.


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How to Cite
Sohn, J. W., Nam, S., & Chang, J. Y. (2023). Predicting model for bystanders’ voice intention in workplace bullying: Applying Theory of Planned Behavior. Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 36(1), 87–114. Retrieved from
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