A Study on Workplace Isolation in Remote Working: The Analysis of Workplace Isolation Perceptionand The Effect on Work Engagement

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Saegyoung Song
Jihoon Song


Remote Working is One of the changes in the working environment due to COVID-19. In remote work situations, Workplace isolation occurs. And Workplace isolation affects not only individual emotions, attitudes, and behaviors, but also the organizational atmosphere. Therefore, in order to prevent and cope with workplace isolation, it is necessary to understand how organizational members perceive workplace isolation. In this study, topic modeling was used to investigate workplace isolation and perception of cause and consequences. As a result, It was found that workplace isolation is largely divided into relational and work dimensions. And workplace isolation occurs due to physical separation, resulting in an effect on work performance. Based on these results, we tried to empirically verify the effect of physical isolation on work engagement through social isolation and professional isolation. As a result, physical isolation increases social isolation and professional isolation. And, the relationship between social isolation and work engagement was negatively supported. But the relationship between professional isolation and work engagement was not statistically significant. Therefore, it is expected that this study will help to suggest the implications of human resource development that is necessary for employee’s work engagement, focusing on workplace isolation in the remote work situation.


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How to Cite
Song, S., & Song, J. (2022). A Study on Workplace Isolation in Remote Working:: The Analysis of Workplace Isolation Perceptionand The Effect on Work Engagement. Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 35(3), 559–581. https://doi.org/10.24230/kjiop.v35i3.559-581
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