An Exploratory Study on Profile of Meeting Type: Latent Profile Analysis and Difference between Virtual Meeting and Face-to-Face Meeting

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Jong-Hyun Lee
Jae-sang Hwang


The present study aimed to examine the meeting procedures of Korean work settings that have changed rapidly due to COVID-19, and also to explore whether there are differences in meeting-related variables according to the meeting participation type profiles. At the time social distancing was in progress in Korea, samples of office workers from private companies and public institutions were collected twice, and latent profile analysis was conducted based on frequency measurement for meeting types. As a result of the analysis, four profiles were identified: directing & reporting, information sharing, uniformity, and quickness. As a result of the analysis of the information sharing profile, the difference in meeting effectiveness and burnout according to the meeting method(virtual meeting or face-to-face meeting) was significant. In addition, the interaction effect on meeting satisfaction between meeting method and gender was significant. We discussed practical implications of these findings, along with study limitations and future directions.


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Lee, J.-H., & Hwang, J.- sang. (2022). An Exploratory Study on Profile of Meeting Type:: Latent Profile Analysis and Difference between Virtual Meeting and Face-to-Face Meeting. Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 35(3), 489–512.
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