The Effect of Openness to Experience and Perceived Organizational Support for Creativity on Creative Performance: The Mediation Effect of Feedback Seeking Behavior and The Moderation Effect of Self-Efficacy

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Sol-Bi Lee
Eun-A Kwon
Jong-Goo Lee


The first purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating effect of feedback seeking behavior in the process of openness to experience and perceived organizational support for creativity on creative performance. The second purpose was to examine whether self-efficacy moderates the effects of openness to experience and perceived organizational support for creativity on feedback seeking behavior. An online survey was conducted on employees from domestic companies and a total of 284 data were analyzed. The structural equation modeling and multiple regression analysis results are as follows. First, the effects of openness to experience and perceived organizational support for creativity on creative performance was statistically significant. Second, the mediating effect of feedback-seeking behavior was significant in the openness to experience and perceived organizational support for creativity on creative performance. Third, the moderating effect of self-efficacy was significant in the relationship between perceived organizational support for creativity and feedback-seeking behavior. Specifically, the positive relationship between perceived organizational support for creativity and feedback-seeking behavior was stronger when the self-efficacy was high rather than low. The implications and limitations of this study are discussed.


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How to Cite
Lee, S.-B., Kwon, E.-A., & Lee, J.-G. (2022). The Effect of Openness to Experience and Perceived Organizational Support for Creativity on Creative Performance:: The Mediation Effect of Feedback Seeking Behavior and The Moderation Effect of Self-Efficacy. Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 35(3), 675–699.
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