The effects of hierarchical organizational structure and performance-based human resource system on climate of silence and selfish silence behavior

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Eunbi Ko
Youngseok Han


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of hierarchical organizational structure and performance-based human resource system on climate of silence and silence behavior and to reveal this process. Specifically, We will examine the effect the hierarchical organizational structure and performance-based human resource system on organizational silence, the dual mediated effects on climate of silence and psychological unsafety. A total of 300 employee working in a variety of difference fields in Korea participated in an on-line survey, These results showed that hierarchical organizational structure had a positive effect on climate of silence and Performance-based human resource system had a negative effect on climate of silence. Climate of silence had a positive effect on psychological unsafety and Psychological unsafety had a positive effect on defensive silence. The defensive silence a positive effect on acquiescent silence. The hierarchical organizational structure had a effect on defensive silence, through climate of silence and psychological unsafefy, and had a effect on acquiescent silence, through climate of silence, psychology unsafety, and defensive silence. this study is significance to integrately consider the effect of organizational structure, culture and Psychological factor on silence behavior. On the basis of the results, the implications and future research directions were discussed.


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How to Cite
Ko, E., & Han, Y. (2019). The effects of hierarchical organizational structure and performance-based human resource system on climate of silence and selfish silence behavior. Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 32(4), 473–494.
Empirical Articles
Author Biography

Youngseok Han, Hoseo University

Department of Industrial Psychology


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