Interaction effects of P-O fit and Machiavellism on the perceived organizational politics

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JongWon Lee
KangHyun Shin
JongHyun Lee
WanSuk Gim


This research has examined the main effects and interaction effect of person-organization fit and machiavellism on perceived organizational politics. This study was conducted by using sample of 396 public officers and analyzed the main and interaction effect of P-O fit and machiavellism on perceived organizational politics by hierarchical regression analyses which controlled demographic factors. The major findings of this study were as follows: First, as P-O fit score increased, the degree of perceived organizational politics tended to decrease( =-.143, p<.01). Second, the higher level of machiavellism was, the lower perceived organizational politics( =.272, p<.001). Third, interaction effect of P-O fit and machiavellism on the perceived organizational politics was significant(⊿ =.024, p<.01). Furthermore, results of this study showed that among three sub-factors of P-O fit, only needs-supplies and demands- ability had a interaction effect with machiavellism(needs-supplies: ⊿ =.033, p<.001; demands-ability: ⊿ =.024, p<.01). Finally, implications of this study and tasks of future research were discussed.


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How to Cite
Lee, J., Shin, K., Lee, J., & Gim, W. (2016). Interaction effects of P-O fit and Machiavellism on the perceived organizational politics. Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 29(3), 385–410.
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