The Relationship Between Organizational commitment and Job Motivation: The Negative Effect of Organizational Commitment and Moderating Effect of Workplace Spirituality

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Youngshik Kim
sangchoong Roh


Is the higher the positive organizational variable in the organization, the better? Based on the theory of Pierce and Aguinis (2013), who proposed the Too-much-of-a-good-thing effect, this study is designed to verify how organizational commitment, which was considered a positive organizational variable in organizational studies, affects the organizational effectiveness and the moderating effect of workplace spirituality as a moderating variable in that relationship. In order to achieve this research purpose, a survey was conducted on organizational members working in corporate organizations, and the data of the final 496 people were analyzed. As a result, under the condition of low workplace spirituality, it was confirmed a nonlinear relationship in which job motivation increases and then decreases as over-organizational commitment increases. However, under the condition of high workplace spirituality, a relationship was discovered in which job motivation nonlinearly increases as over-organizational commitment increases. Based on these results, the meaning, implications, and limitations of the study, as well as future studies, are all discussed.


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Kim 영., & Roh, sangchoong. (2023). The Relationship Between Organizational commitment and Job Motivation: The Negative Effect of Organizational Commitment and Moderating Effect of Workplace Spirituality. Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 36(2), 163–184. Retrieved from
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