Validation for Korean Version of Kaleidoscope Career Attitude Measurement
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The purpose of this study is to validate the Kaleidoscope career attitude scale developed by Sulllivan et al. (2009) to measure the new career attitudes of Korean corporate employees. This study can be summarized as follows: first, the Korean version of the Kaleidoscope career attitude measurement's psychometric equivalence and contents validity was verified. Second, the Kaleidoscope career attitude measurement items consisted of three factors, equivalent to the original scale. Third, the fit of the measurement model consisting of 13 items was confirmed with the new sample. And it was confirmed that the same scale could be used in the male and female groups. Fourth, the difference in the latent mean was significant in balance and challenge parameters. Comprehensive research results revealed that the Korean version of the Kaleidoscope career attitude is valid and reliable. Based on this result, the significance and limitations of the research and suggestions for future research were discussed.
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Funding data
National Research Foundation of Korea
Grant numbers NRF-2019S1A5A8038225
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